Welcome to Equitable Literacy where we close the literacy gap through accelerating student learning. Our professional development and coaching focuses on effective, efficient integration that is
rooted in research. In fact, our schools boast 65% more growth when compared to other schools.

All students have capacity for literacy acquisition.
Students have different needs related to learning.
Schools should be extraordinary places of learning and growth, not stagnant places where both teachers and students are burning out.
High-impact instructional strategies can be used with any curriculum.
A high-quality curriculum is just the beginning of high-impact instruction.
Evidence-based instructional strategies are simple to implement once we understand them.
By focusing on these streamlined, integrated, evidence-based strategies, students' learning will accelerate up to twice the traditional rate.
What we do
It's elementary, my dear...we solve problems.

The Solution
Educators don't need one more PD. They need evidence-based solutions for their students and their own burnout. We focus on accelerated student learning using best practices of explicit, systematic strategies that help teachers get back to their love of teaching.

How We Do It
We combine highly-effective instruction with a streamlined, integrated approach rooted in research.
We Build a Foundation
We go back to basics and focus on how and where literacy (reading and writing) acquisition takes place. We look at:
Brain Function
The Reading Brain
The Role of Oral Language
The Difference Between Thinking and Learning
Where Reading and Writing Happen in the Brain
The Intrinsic Reciprocity of the Receptive (listening/reading) and Expressive (speaking/writing)
Add Instructional Acumen
Once we understand HOW our students learn, we begin to look at highly-effective instructional strategies that can be used with any curriculum such as:
Scaffolding for Differentiation
The Role and Impact of Feedback
Orthographic Mapping of HFW
The Role of Assessments and Data Collection for Progress Monitoring
The Value of Integrating Instruction
Troubleshoot and Customize
Here we will look at what your team really needs. Some common needs we have seen include:
What The Science of Reading Really Is
Integrated Writing Instruction
High-Impact Vocabulary Instruction
Metacognitive Comprehension Strategies
Explicit Phonics and Word Study Instruction
Bringing everything together through coaching, teacher enjoy higher satisfaction and students learn at an accelerated rate towards proficiency and mastery of grade-level literacy skills. Our coaching models include:
Directive Coaching
Collaborative Coaching
Establishing Model Classrooms
Meet The Team

Rebecca Mead
As an attorney, Rebecca began her education career as a passion project. Throughout her 15 years in education, Rebecca has worked in Title 1 schools, magnet programs and charter schools at the elementary and secondary levels. Her past positions include classroom teacher, lead teacher, instructional coach, literacy coach, technology coordinator, district reading coach, state reading specialist, and Executive Director of Just Read, Florida! Rebecca co-wrote the Common Core-based Florida Standards Implementation Guide and served as one of the primary authors of Florida's BEST standards. She has a set of grown twins and a mischievous cat named At. Most of Rebecca's time is spent in working with stakeholders to find ways to improve literacy instruction as experienced by students.

Shannon Dodd
A native Floridian, Shannon was born with a passion for education. She was the one who played school and dreamed of becoming a classroom teacher. She taught first through fourth grade before leaving the classroom. Shannon went on as an Intervention Coordinator at the Florida Center for Reading Research, and then as a Reading Specialist with Just Read, Florida! at the Florida Department of Education. Shannon believes all students have the capacity for language and literacy acquisition. She is especially passionate about early literacy, brain development, determining/filling reading gaps, and reaching marginalized students. Shannon is married with two grown children. She loves to travel, and is enthusiastic about all things coffee.

***88% of schools that receive our PD request a proposal for follow-up coaching/PD

Amazing PD. In recent memory, none has been finer. You were very patient and gave clear explanations.

The support Shannon and Rebecca have given to our school has been phenomenal and increased our ability to implement the new standards with success.

Shannon and Rebecca, you are both so knowledgeable .You have managed to make data and research feel warm and fuzzy, which is no small feat! :)

This training was perfect for us. Very relevant and useful.
A ton of new knowledge! Lots of "take backs" for my classroom.

Great Ideas! I am going to use the Power of 20 and Give Me 5 tomorrow!
Thank you for such a positive and informative day.
Let's Partner Together